Spring/Summer 15 Photoshoot


Hey guys! Welcome to the Lois Loves Will blog. Here you will find updates on the line, style inspiration, and glimpses in to bits and pieces of my life.

We recently had our spring/summer photoshoot. As you can imagine, being located in Chicago this time of year made it challenging to find a place that was suitable for sleeveless dresses and skirts. We managed to find a gorgeous indoor botanical garden that not only was warm but also very on point to the style and feel of this seasons pieces.


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 All looks can be found here. Hope you all are having a great start to your week!

xx, Morgan


  1. May 9, 2015

    Those are so gorgeous and I can see your phtaogrophy technique is perfect!!! I am attracted:) And I like to take pictures!How can I contact you?I will be a Senior next year!

    • May 11, 2015

      Thanks so much! My email is morgan@loisloveswill.com however I generally only do photos for my clothing line and blog. Would be happy to consider it though. Send me an email and we will chat:)

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