Return Guideline
- For a full refund, please make sure your return is postmarked within 14 days of order date
- Worn, washed, and/or damaged items will not be accepted for return. Original tags (if applicable) must be attached & intact.
- Refund or Store Credit: Returns must be postmarked within 14 days of order date.
- Store Credit Only: Returns must be postmarked within 30 days of order date.
- Exchanges: We cannot provide exchanges (or holds), due to limited inventory.
- If you would like a different size or color, we suggest ordering the new item and returning the original item. A refund/store credit for the original item will be issued depending on the postmarked date of the returned item (excludes Final Sale items).
- All shipping fees are non-refundable.
- Returns that do not meet our guidelines will be sent back at your own expense. You have the option to apply return shipping costs on your credit card or have the item(s) sent back in a future purchase.
- We hold unacceptable returns for 30 days. After 30 days, the items will be donated to charity.
How To Make A Return
- Before making a return please read our policy to ensure that your items meet the guidelines.
2. Include your slip that arrived in your package in with your return. If you do not have the slip that came with your order, please write the name you placed the order under on a slip of paper and include that in with your return.
3. Mail the return to:
Lois Loves Will
25731 Meadowland Circle
Plainfield, Il 60585
For any other questions please email us at 🙂